Это был очень странный сон.
Она его бросила. Читая Purple Diary сейчас, я думаю, что Вирджиния Вулф, может быть, была права, когда написала, что женщины не знают, что такое любовь, им не понять, сколько боли причиняет она мужчинам.

Dear Friends
To all the anonymous friends who follow my life on the Purple Diary, I have to tell you that I’m in a lot of pain. Natacha Ramsay dumped me on Sunday. She ran away with her lover (with whom she has had a long romance that I was aware of and accepted) for a summer of love. She called me to tell me that she loves him, that we are finished. I asked her to come back two times and she said no two times. As you know if you follow the Purple Diary I try to create and promote an alternative love lifestyle (that I used to call in French La Communauté des Amants). Natacha’s decision to leave me so brutally and painfully will certainly be seen by conservative people as a clear feminine revenge against the lifestyle Natacha and I used to share, and think that I’m a dreamer. Right now I’m just a mess. But I will hopefully recover soon and offer you some more pictures of love and sex.
letter to Natacha
It meant a world to me Natacha that you came to see me yesterday. I’m aware now that I have no choice than to let you go. Speaking with you, kissing you, holding you the all day, saved my life. I know now that I love you forever and that I’ll be always there for you.
Olivier Zahm
Pictures by Olivier Zahm and Rachel Chandler, purple-diary.com
о чём ты? он же животное
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