I still can't get enough of how cool the last Meadham Kirchhoff collection was. Even apart from the spectacular graveyard memorial with designers' own youthful pictures and dying tulips it was a pure work of art. 90-s dark glasses. Crosses. Boots. Turquoise blue and this saturated red, with its hardly visible shade nuances.
I went to Tate Modern the day before the show and suddenly realised looking at the self-portrait of Francis Bacon that it was actually the first time that I see Francis Bacon painting in my whole life. He was sitting in a red chair with his face misshapen and I felt fever inside (I'd caught a cold, thank you London misty rain) closing in. It was the very same feeling I had about that red in the Meadham Kirchhoff collection.

Pictures Catwalking.com
I went to Tate Modern the day before the show and suddenly realised looking at the self-portrait of Francis Bacon that it was actually the first time that I see Francis Bacon painting in my whole life. He was sitting in a red chair with his face misshapen and I felt fever inside (I'd caught a cold, thank you London misty rain) closing in. It was the very same feeling I had about that red in the Meadham Kirchhoff collection.

Pictures Catwalking.com
недавно, меня опечалил факт того, что если бы я родилась-таки мужиком, то не смогла бы носить платья.
ОтветитьУдалитьмальчики-зайчики в панталонах и гольфах меня радуют. ми.
Я минут 15 пыталась представить мужиков в платьях. Ну, чтобы это выглядело нормально. Так и не поняла, возможно это или нет.
ОтветитьУдалитьА панталоны да, шикарные)
очень милая коллекция! ведьмочка на джемпере просто шик!:)
ОтветитьУдалитьох. как мне нравится такой кроваво-красный, такой лососевый, такой серый и такой голубо-бирюзовый.
ОтветитьУдалитьпятёрку ему.