Свою прическу я когда-то из-за него сделала и ни разу не пожалела.

Я как-то писала о феномене, когда дети знаменитостей становятся самыми обожаемыми моделями осовременности (см. Кровное родство).
В них есть что-то, чего нет в стандартных безличных моделях. Значительная история. Они не просто красивые тела с несколькими классными изъянами, у них есть и генетический флэшлайт в глазах. Несут в себе отпечаток саморазрушения отцов. И сами занимаются саморазрушением не хуже – очень весело, легко, просто так. Они – что-то вроде компенсации для нашего бездарного века.

бла бла бла. Джетро веселит меня больше других, потому что он не просто сын Ника Кейва, он еще очень странный, вырос в Австралии, у него куча новых крошечных татуировок, одна нелепее другой, хотя вешалки на предплечье - это охуенно круто, когда его спросили, что она значит, он ответил "А это разве не очевидно?" При этом он, кажется, совершенно не отягощен саморефлексией. Судя по почи единственному его интервью для Ponystep.
JETHRO CAVE – Lost in Melbourne
by Kiki Georgiou
by Kiki Georgiou
Naturally, Ponystep was intrigued to find out more about Jethro Lazenby Cave, the 19-year-old Melbourne native that since being picked by Balenciaga to walk their SS09 show in Paris hasn’t stopped gathering momentum. But after weeks, no – months, of trying to track him down (“Jethro is in Australia”, “Jethro is doing Melbourne Fashion Week” etc…), we were looking forward to finally sitting down with him, admittedly over the phone, for a chat. It never happened. We certainly were not planning a teen mag, snappy, ‘what’s your favourite colour?’ But that’s what we got. So read on for our interview equivalent of ‘my mum went to Melbourne and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’. Oh, did we mention he’s Nick Cave’s son?
Kiki Georgiou: Every model has their “I was discovered...” story. What's yours and why did you get into modelling?
Jethro Cave: I was on the “Guess Who” (board-game) tvc when I was nine....since then my career has been spiralling down hill.
KG: You're very young and have already worked with some of the biggest names in this industry, most notably Heidi Slimane and Nicola Formichetti. How was that as an experience and who else would you love to work with, designer, photographer, model?
JC: No one in particular, anyone who will book me...
KG: How into fashion were you before you started working in it and has it turned out to be what you were expecting?
JC: I was never really into fashion as an industry but I like clothes. It’s pretty much what I expected.
KG: What else interests you, outside fashion, and would you want to pursue it at some point? Music? Photography? acting?
JC: Music.
KG: Are you still based in Australia and if so, are there any plans to move to Europe at some point?
JC: Yes, in the future but I still need a visa.
KG: What's the craziest place you found yourself at, because of work?
JC: Some massive squat in Hamburg.
KG: OK, we just have to mention your father. We do. Be honest, how annoying is it when this happens, what are his thoughts on what you do and what's the usual reaction you get when people find out who he is?
JC: You’re right. It is really annoying.
KG: He's a hero for a lot of people. Who's yours?
JC: Nick Kershaw.
KG: Best perk of the job?
JC: Not having to get a real job.
KG: Most annoying fashion line you've heard so far?
JC: It’s hard to determine.
And there you have it - a wonderful insight into the complex world of Jethro Cave. Stunning!
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