Иногда мне кажется, что я не зря живу в Росии, где достать наркотики не так легко, нет дилеров-турков и парень, которого мне бы захотелось поцеловать, встречается на пути раз в месяц не чаще.
А то что бы со мной было к 21 году, боюсь представить.
I've got two cameras and I broke both of them last night. I spilled wine over them. Stupid.
Sunny and I went to a club last night (Tuesday) and I saw this boy I already met last week. I was really drunk and flirty and I somehow ended up kissing this boy at the club. He's nice and intelligent but not really my type.
Sunny befriended this Turkish guy who invited us to come to his house with him and the Turkish guy, Sunny, the boy I kissed and I went to Turkish guy's house.
Well, the Turkish guy is a little druggie and had loads of MDMA and speed and I took so much of it. The Turkish druggie said: ''Calm down, don't take that much.'' But I didn't care, took a lot and got really wasted.
The boy I kissed and I were kind of cuddling on the sofa but after a while I got bored and ignored him. How rude.
Sunny, the Turkish guy and the boy I kissed always said stuff like: ''Wow, you're a girl. You're taking more than us three together. How can you take so many drugs and still want more?''
I went to the bathroom and was shocked when I looked in the mirror. I looked so horrible. I came back and said I'd like more drugs and we had to go to Turkish guy's dealer. It was already noon and we walked down the road to ghis guy's flat and bought more MDMA and and I took a huge amount again.
''It's unbelievable.'' The Turkish guy said. ''I never met such a girl.''
I started feeling like Christiane F.
Удачных выходных вам. И мне.

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