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Stuart Hammond “Quiet Revolution” // Dazed april 2010

Berlin hipsters adore Russendisko (Russian disco). This all started when a writer from Moscow, Wladimir Kaminer, arrived in Berlin during the upheaval following the collapse of Communism and began reading his work in cafés around town. He soon joined forces with the DJ Yuriy Gurzhy on a project at Kaffee Burger, which offers a space for young creative types to try out their latest work. What began as a small club night has grown into a twice-monthly event where readings, lectures and film screenings might lead onto live music. DJs play anything from old-school country to something called Global Hungarian Dancehall, as well as mainstream indie, rock, soul and pop. The club's décor will take you back to the GDR days and the bright lighting makes mingling with the eclectic crowd plenty of fun.
Text from Timeout Berlin
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